Thesis & Alumni
Gilsang Lee (Ph.D., Aug. 2024)
Thesis title : 개발제한구역 훼손지 탐색 및 생태적 연결성을 고려한 자연환경복원 우선순위 평가 (Identifying degraded area and evaluating the priority of nature restoration considering ecological connectivity in the green belt)
After Graduation : Korea Environmetal Institute
Contact : kslee(at)
Yebin Kwon (Master, Aug. 2024)
Thesis title : Local biodiversity strategy and action plan establishment concerning global biodiversity framework (글로벌 생물다양성 프레임워크(GBF)를 고려한 국내 지역생물다양성전략(LBSAP) 수립 방향 연구)
After Graduation : –
Contact : yebinkwon(at)
Heejung Sohn (Ph.D., Feb. 2024)
Thesis title : 생물다양성 지표 및 환경유전자 모니터링 기법을 활용한 도시생태계 평가 연구 (Urban ecosystem assessment using biodiversity indicators and environmental DNA-based monitoring techniques)
After Graduation : Korea Environmetal Institute
Contact : hjbbw91(at)
Wonhyeop Shin (Ph.D., Feb. 2024)
Thesis title : Invasive species management in coastal wetlands and urban forest ecosystems (연안습지와 도시림에서의 침입종 관리 방안 연구)
After Graduation : Invalab.Co.,Ltd.
Contact : dnsuql(at)
Jeong Eun Jeon (Master, Feb. 2024)
Thesis title : 양서류 환경유전자 기반 묵논습지 유형분류 및 공간특성 분석 – 충청남도 지역 중심으로 – (Classification of Abandoned Rice Paddy Wetlands based on Amphibian Environmental DNA and the Spatial Characteristics – A Case Study on Chungcheongnam-do -)
After Graduation : Korea Environmetal Institute
Contact : jejeon(at)
Yanghyeon Lee (Master, Feb. 2024)
Thesis title : 자연자본 관련 재무정보공개 전담협의체(Taskforce on Nature-related FinancialDisclosures, TNFD) 핵심지표에 따른 국내 기업의 자연환경 관련 활동 현황 분석 – 지속가능경영보고서를 중심으로 (Analysis of the activities related to the natural environment of domestic companies according to the core indicators of the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosure (TNFD) – Based on sustainability management reports -)
After Graduation : Invalab.Co.,Ltd.
Contact : ovis313(at)
Ji Yeon Lee (Master, Feb. 2024)
Thesis title : 기후불안과 기후걱정이 청년세대 친환경행동에 미치는 영향 (The impact of climate anxiety and climate worry on young adults’ pro-environmental behavior)
After Graduation : Elementary school teacher / Ph. D. course in Environmental Education, SNU
Contact : stepstone1(at)
Jihwan Kim (Ph.D., Aug. 2023)
Thesis title : Integrating ecosystem services and connectivity for prioritizing conservation areas in Jeju Island, Republic of Korea (제주도의 우선보호지역 선정을 위한 생태계서비스 및 연계성 통합 분석 연구)
After Graduation : Kyusyu Univ., Japan
Contact : jhkim0701(at)
Yoonsun Park (Ph.D., Aug. 2023)
Thesis title : 다중 공간규모에서 국내 생태계서비스 통합평가 및 지역계획 활용연구 (Integrated assessment of ecosystem services and its application to regional planning in Korea)
After Graduation : Korea Forest Conservation Association
Contact : ysunparc(at)
Eun Jeong Park (Master, Aug. 2023)
Thesis title : 초등학생의 캠핑 활동이 환경 역량 및 환경행동의도에 미치는 영향 (The impact of elementary school students’ camping activities on environmental competencies and behavior intentions)
After Graduation : Elementary school teacher
Contact : ladygirl7(at)
Sokyoung Yi (Master, Aug. 2023)
Thesis title : Types and management of urban green spaces identified by the high resolution remotely sensed indices : A case study of Gyeonggi-do Uiwang urban park (고해상도 원격탐사 지수 기반 녹지 유형분류 및 관리방안 도출 : 경기도 의왕시 도시공원을 대상으로)
After Graduation : GSES, SNU
Contact : swingsy45(at)
Jiyoon Park (Master, Aug. 2023)
Thesis title : 관찰카메라와 환경DNA 방법을 활용한 도시 내 습지의 조류 다양성 분석 (Analysis of bird diversity in urban wetland using camera trapping and eDNA metabarcoding)
After Graduation : PhD Course in Interdisciplinary Program in Landscape Architecture, SNU
Contact : brity_p(at)
Jae Hong Park (Master, Aug. 2023)
Thesis title : 선태식물에 의한 토양복원 효과 연구 – 제주도 도너리오름을 대상으로 (Soil restoration by using moss: a case study of Donary Oreum in Jeju Island)
After Graduation : Code of Nature, Co. Ltd.
Contact : jehong0628(at)
HyeonJin Chun (Master, Feb. 2023)
Thesis title : 시민과학 활동 참여자의 생태소양, 참여동기, 경험 분석 – 데이터 거래 어플 사용자를 중심으로 – (Ecological literacy, participatory motivation, and experience analysis of biological monitoring participants – Focus on data transaction app users -)
After Graduation : Elementary school teacher
Contact : hjchun90(at)
Jiweon Yun (Master, Feb. 2023)
Thesis title : Using citizen science to track Corvus frugilegus invading urban areas (시민과학을 활용한 도심지에 출몰하는 떼까마귀 추적)
After Graduation : PhD Course in Interdisciplinary Program in Landscape Architecture, SNU
Contact : savluenv(at)
Dae Yeol Kim (Master, Feb. 2023)
Thesis title : Identification of tree species and the estimation of aboveground biomass in an urban forest using multi-period airborne LiDAR with hyperspectral datasets (다중시기 항공 LiDAR와 초분광 영상을 활용한 도시림 수종 분류 및 바이오매스 추정)
After Graduation : Researcher in SNU
Contact : wing94wing(at)
Yonghwan Kim (Master, Feb. 2023)
Thesis title : 도시습지 내 외래 거북류의 선호 서식지 분석 (Analysis of preferred-habitats of two exotic tortoises, Trachemys scripta and Pseudemys concinna, in an urban wetland)
After Graduation : PhD Course in Interdisciplinary Program in Landscape Architecture, SNU
Contact : kfshoi(at)
Xiaoling Jin (Master, Aug. 2022)
Thesis title : Regional waterlogging factors derived by geographically weighted regression and shapley additive explanations (지리 가중 회귀모형 및 섀플리 가법 설명모형에 의한 지역침수 영향요인 분석)
After Graduation : Working in China
Contact : xiaolingjin2018(at)
Yulin Shen (Master, Feb. 2022)
Thesis title : CFD analysis of urban wind condition and pollutant diffusion in terms of urban form types (도시 형태에 따른 도시 바람환경 및 오염 물질 확산 CFD 분석)
After Graduation : PhD Course in Interdisciplinary Program in Landscape Architecture, SNU
Contact : shinwulim(at)
Yujin Kang (Master, Feb. 2022)
Thesis title : Assessing effects of land use and stream order on fish community identified by environmental DNA at the urban stream (환경 DNA를 활용한 도시하천 어류 군집에 미치는 토지이용과 하천 차수의 영향평가)
After Graduation : PhD Course in Interdisciplinary Program in Landscape Architecture, SNU
Contact : yujin3384(at)
Seung Hyeon Lee (Master, Feb. 2022)
Thesis title : Feasibility of Wildlife Detection Using UAV-derived Thermal and True-color Imagery (무인비행체 탑재 열화상 및 실화상 이미지를 활용한 야생동물 탐지 가능성 연구)
After Graduation : PhD Course in Interdisciplinary Program in Landscape Architecture, SNU
Contact : shlee5598(at)
Dohee Kim (Master, Feb. 2022)
Thesis title : Circuit theory-based ecological network and conservation priority areas in Suwon city (회로이론 기반 수원시 생태네트워크 및 복원 우선지역 도출)
After Graduation : Gyeonggi Research Institute
Contact : dhkim516(at)
Heejoon Choi (Ph.D., Aug. 2021)
Thesis title : Assessment of urban ecosystem structure and connectivity using multi-scale LiDAR datasets (다중 규모 LiDAR 데이터를 활용한 도시생태계 구조 및 연결성 평가)
After Graduation : Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, College of Agriculture, Purdue University, US
Contact : star1lucky(at)
Juneyoung Park (Master, Aug. 2021)
Thesis title : 원앙과 오색딱다구리의 서식처적합성지수(HSI) 개발과 평가요소 선정에 관한 연구 : 도시 내 서식지 복원을 고려하여 (Developing habitat suitability index of of evaluation factors and the evaluation factors for Aix galericulata and Dendrocopos major urban habitat restoration)
After Graduation : Personal Business
Contact : druidy(at)
Yiwen (Eva) Han (Ph.D., Aug. 2018)
Thesis title : Impacts of Landscape Pattern Change on Ecosystem Services in a Highly Urbanized Area – Spatiotemporal Perspective – (경관패턴의 변화가 시가화지역 생태계서비스에 미치는 영향 – 시공간적 관점에서)
After Graduation : Assistant professor, Department of Landscape Architecture, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Technology and Science, Wuhan, China
Contact : evahan211(at)
Yingnan Li (Ph.D., Aug. 2018)
Thesis title : Microclimate Variations in Urban Green Spaces Depending on Site Characteristics (대상지 특성에 따른 도시녹지공간의 미기후 변동에 관한 연구)
After Graduation : Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Design, School of Arts, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, China
Contact : lyn48512(at)
Ga Woo Kim (Master, Aug. 2020)
Thesis title : 국내 담수어류종 탐지를 위한 환경 DNA 활용 가능성 연구 : 수족관실험 중심으로 (A study on the potential utilization of environmental DNA(eDNA) for detection of freshwater fish species in Korea : Focused on the water tank experiment)
After Graduation : PhD Course in Interdisciplinary Program in Landscape Architecture, SNU
Contact : rlarkdn92(at)
Jonghee Kim (Master, Aug. 2020)
Thesis title : 유형별 도시 녹지 도입에 따른 혹서기 저층 고밀 시가화지역의 열 쾌적성 변화량 추정 (Simulated Thermal Comfort during the Hottest Season in Low-rise Dense Urbanized Area by Applying Urban Greening Units)
After Graduation : PhD Course in Interdisciplinary Program in Landscape Architecture, SNU
Contact : kjh1201(at)
Su Yeon Won (Master, Feb. 2020)
Thesis title : 참조생태계를 활용한 식생 군락별 복원 평가 (Assessment of restoration by vegetation community using reference ecosystem)
After Graduation : PhD Course in Interdisciplinary Program in Landscape Architecture, SNU
Contact : wsy5216(at)
Nayoung Kim (Master, Aug. 2018)
Thesis title : 서울시 내 고립된 녹지패치의 서식지 잠재성 평가 (Assessment of Habitat Potential at the Isolated Green Patches in Seoul)
After Graduation : PhD Course in Interdisciplinary Program in Landscape Architecture, SNU
Contact : nynayeong(at)
Heejung Sohn (Master, Feb. 2018)
Thesis title : 근린공원의 생태적 지속가능성 평가를 위한 지표선정 및 적용에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Indicator for Assessing Ecological Sustainability at the Urban Neighborhood Parks)
After Graduation : PhD Course in Interdisciplinary Program in Landscape Architecture, SNU
Contact : hjbbw91(at)
Heejoon Choi (Master, Feb. 2018)
Thesis title : 다중시기 항공 LiDAR 데이터를 이용한 도시림의 생장량 추정 (Estimation of the Urban Forest Growth Using Multi-temporal LiDAR Dataset)
After Graduation : PhD Course in Interdisciplinary Program in Landscape Architecture, SNU
Contact : star1lucky(at)
Jia Kang (Master, Feb. 2017)
Thesis title : 우면산 참나무시들음병 피해지역의 공간적 특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Spatial Characteristics of Oak Wilt Disease Affected Areas in Mt. Umeoun)
Contact : jakworld(at)
Youngseo Yu (Master, Feb. 2017)
Thesis title : 근적외선 사진과 식생지수를 활용한 녹시율 측정 방법에 관한 연구 – 서울시 서초구를 대상으로 (A Study on Index of Greenness Measurement Using Near-Infrared Photograph and Vegetation Index – Focusing on Seocho-gu, Seoul City)
Contact : yussentia(at)